Getting into it with resin artist Ann Ciciani
Christchurch resin artist Ann Ciciani takes a moment to tell Cityscape about her artistic process and walking her dog, as she prepares for the Christchurch Art Show.
Tell us a bit about you – who is Ann Ciciani? That's an interesting question. I will let you know when I find out...
What kind of art do you create? I create conceptual art. That means that rather than aiming to create a visual representation of an object, I create visual conceptual ideas. These concepts are designed to provoke the audience into a higher state of awareness of themselves and the world we live in thereby raising the consciousness of the collective – which I believe is the main purpose of us being on this planet: to contribute to our collective psychic evolution.
Your works often have tonnes of incredible detail – what kind of process goes into making something like that? I use resin, which is a two-part liquid compound that when mixed together solidifies into a hard plastic material after being poured into a mould. So I start with a completely formed conceptual visual idea in my head, which often arises during dreams or dog walks, then I use the casts of the moulds as a form of symbolic language to express my idea.
What would you like people to take away from your art? Joy, love, inspiration, provocation and maybe a little chuckle. Hopefully, a little more insight into their internal psychological landscape and that of the collective.
What are you planning to display at the Art Show? Usually, I show a large-scale signature piece and a collection of my latest works. At the moment my signature piece is Metanoia as it is the pivotal work of my Iconography collection and, as it has been very popular, I have made several editions of this. This is a large-scale work that actually includes substructures within it of previous and even future works. But my ideas are evolving and changing very quickly so that might change. I am usually working on several collections at once. I don't plan my collections but just let the ideas bubble up naturally from my subconscious, because the subconscious mind is where all the magic happens.
What do you like about meeting the public at the show? I get a real buzz when I see someone has made a real connection with my art emotionally, spiritually or intellectually. I didn't like it when someone asked me to mould their face and put it into a piece of my art!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received? “Create from presence, not ego.” – Eckhart Tolle
What are you consuming at the moment? I am reading The Crack in the Cosmic Egg by Joseph Chilton Pearce, listening to Confidence Man and binge-watching clips of miniature goats in pyjamas – highly recommended.
How do you relax? I make art and walk my dog.
Tell us a secret about yourself. I cannot read maps.
Who’s another artist you’d like to shout out to? A big shout out to the fabulous artist and poet Colette O'Kane!
What’s next for you after the Art Show? I have just been taken on as a resident artist at Kate and John Morrison's exciting new gallery called The Art Shop in Armagh St here in Christchurch. Plus I have more exhibitions planned at art shows and galleries in Auckland, Christchurch, Nelson and Wellington. I have also had some interest from galleries in Europe and Australia which was put on hold due to Covid but I am looking to pursue those avenues this year. You can see all my upcoming exhibitions on my website. I am also currently developing ideas for two new collections. I have some really fun new ideas - so watch this space. It’s gonna be a wild ride!
The Christchurch Art Show
Te Pae Convention Centre
Friday 24 – Monday 27 June