The Land Doughver: Fire & Slice hits the road with woodfired pizza
Move over, Land Rover, the Land Doughver is here.
What’s like a Land Rover, but pumps out delicious woodfired pizzas? Fire & Slice’s new mobile pizza truck, the Landdoughver!
It’s a modified, ex-army 1982 Series III Land Rover, V8 petrol beast with an Italian-made pizza oven on the back. A sister vehicle to the Series II mounted over the pizza oven in the Sumner restaurant, the Landdoughver is a roving pizza machine that will be gracing festivals, community events, weddings and private gigs all over Canterbury.
It’s got upgraded suspension springs, braking and power steering to incorporate the 900kg oven on the back. The oven sits on a custom-engineered frame with in-built fireproofing, and the concrete coating on the oven has layers of fireproofing built in so even when its burning at 400 °C inside, it’s just warm to the touch on the outside.
But the most important part is the pizzas. The Land Doughver runs a custom menu for each event it’s at, whether it be a range of Fire & Slice classics, a few specialities, or even a vegan pizza menu. All the pizzas use the same, two-day slow-rise dough as Fire & Slice, and the same quality ingredients and hand-made pizza sauce.
READ MORE: Pizza, chips, beer and wine: Fire & Slice sticks to the basics and does them well
So why the Landdoughver? Why not just open a second pizza joint? Fire & Slice founder Pal Singh says he’s keen to get out and explore Christchurch and Canterbury through an outdoor dining lens.
“Different group sizes and type, it’s always a great challenge,” he says. Any given day could be completely washed out or crazy busy – both situations happened on the Landdoughver’s launch weekend at the Single Fin Mingle surf festival in April – and Pal loves the variation.
“We’re going to travel Canterbury and visit different communities for different events, and cook some amazing pizza.”