Got a 4WD? This is what it wants for Christmas
When he is not writing about Christchurch’s urban delights, Cityscape editor Mark Wilson will likely be up a river valley or exploring the high country in his trusty 4WD. And after 30 years of surveying routes for his 4WD South guidebooks, he knows the right gear to take with him. So if there is an adventure wagon in your family, here are some ideas for sharing the love this Christmas and giving your truck what it really wants.
Traction boards
From a novelty only a few years ago, these colourful slabs of plastic have become standard equipment on many trucks. They sure beat hunting around for some suitable logs or rocks when you’ve got a wheel deep in a hole. ‘The original and the best’ says Aussie manufacturer Maxtrax. There are generic alternatives but you do get what you pay for here and you want them to perform when you need them. And remember, the only thing better than two traction boards is four traction boards!
GPS unit
Tension in the cabin is never good. Getting lost is never good. And trucks don’t like being a vent for our frustrations. There are all sorts of mapping apps available now. Over the years I have used paper maps (still do), iPad and smartphone apps, and a Garmin GPS loaded with Freshmap’s mapping software. The iPad worked well until the third time it fell from its cradle and crashed to the floor of the truck. The smartphone app let me down badly one day, with large blank spaces on the screen where I needed there to be a topo map. The Garmin with Freshmap has stood loyal throughout. My truck reckons it’s time for an upgrade to the latest model though, especially since someone cracked the screen.
Diff breather kit
Trucks love splashing through water just as much as we do. What they don’t love is when the fluid in their diffs or transmission turns to butter because some of that water crept in through the factory diff or transmission breathers. The answer is to replace the factory breathers with ones that sit well clear of any water you encounter, such as these ones from Ben at Flatout Offroad Ltd in Christchurch, which mount on the firewall. Look pretty slick too.
Diff Breather Kit NZ | Diff Breather Transmission Kit
Portable camp oven
While some trucks still get misty-eyed remembering the good old days when their manifold warmed the boss’s lunchtime pie, there is lots of love for the wave of portable camp ovens hitting the market. Lots of love too for the delicious aroma of warming pastry that ends up wafting about the cabin. Mmmm.
PORTABLE CAMP OVEN – 12V | Ironman 4X4
Tyre deflators
Airing down, or reducing tyre pressure, before heading offroad has several advantages for your truck and its humans. It takes the sting out of a heavily corrugated road surface for a start. The larger treadprint that results also increases grip, reducing the risk of wheelspin, which can damage truck and track alike. Getting all four tyres to the correct pressure can be a bit of a fiddle though. That’s where tyre deflators come in. The O.G. is Australian company Staun but there are generic versions as well. Set them up once and use them forever.
Diesel heater
Not all trucks have to wait for fair weather before getting out on the tracks. For those that do get out all year round, including in the depths of winter, a diesel heater to warm the tent or camper trailer has been a game-changer, again for truck and humans. Apparently we are better company after a warm and cosy night’s sleep. Go figure.
Gasmate Portable Diesel Heater
A copy of 4WD SOUTH: 115 Off Road Adventures in NZ's South Island
Gosh, what can I say – I love the feedback and the word-of-mouth recommendations to your 4WD friends. I have plenty of books in stock so head to the 4WD South website and start ticking off your pressy list. Happy trails! – Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson