Q&A: Beer Baroness / Ava Nakagawa
With a hot summer under way and the Great Kiwi Beer Festival fast approaching, we’ve got hops on our mind. What is it that makes beer so special? Its special because I believe there is a beer for everyone - with so many styles there is something to suit everyones taste! Haven’t found it? keep looking! That, and its and all-seasons drink.
How did you get into brewing? I have been involved in Poms for the best part of 20 years and really seriously for 12. We got a brewery and it was a case of why not? I leave all the actual brewing up to our wonderful head brewer Damian, as I’m sadly still a complete novice but I do hope to get more involved again once my babies are bigger.
How would you describe the Christchurch craft brewing scene? It used to be very English in its style but I think its changing. The drinker is more experimental and bold in what they are asking for.
Your brewery is in the Pomeroy’s building, formerly Ward’s Brewery – what’s it like having that connection to such an important part of Kiwi brewing history? Pretty special. Our story is rich in history and feels deeply part of the Christchurch brew story.
What’s the hottest drop this summer? The haze craze hasn’t slowed down but its been really nice seeing some more APAs and west coast style beers come out again. Its crazy, it was all we used to drink and now it seems a bit novel to have a West Coast IPA. There also seems to be a lot of fruit in all sorts of styles.
What style of beer is the most fun to make? I love planning styles that challenge Damian and what our brand is doing. I think we’ve been hugely focused on hoppy beers for a long time but we’ve been having so much fun with dessert stouts and fruited sours of late… definitely expect to see more of that from us.
And your fave beer to drink? I have a cheeky wee four-month old girl so not a lot at the moment. But if I was it’d be whatever was fresh and at its best from one of my fave NZ breweries.
Can you tell us a bit about 'Cry If I Want To', the limited edition beer you’re brewing for the Great Kiwi Beer Festival’s 10th anniversary? The brief was 'birthday cake'. Its a hazy IPA with added lactose, vanilla, coconut, pineapple that gives a piña colada-style feel.
Are you experimenting with any cool new brews? What can we look forward to tasting? We’ve got a Champagne golden kiwifruit pilsner coming as well as a cherry grissette.
What’s your go-to spot for a beer in Christchurch (other than Pomeroy’s)? Craft Embassy, Brew Moon, Punky Brewster.
What’s your favourite way to spend a Sunday afternoon? With my family eating great food and drinking beer!
Who are your brewing heroes? Oooh, thats a bloody tough question. Its like asking me to pick my favourite child. There are some incredible new breweries but I guess I always have a special place in my heart for the ‘first wave’ of craft beer in New Zealand - Emersons, 8wired, Yeastie Boys, Townshend, Epic, Liberty et cetera, et cetera. Too many to name but you get the idea. Basically all the breweries that used to fill Wellington Town Hall for Beervana about 12 years ago. Ralph from Three Boys is one of the greatest humans and further afield Jayne Lewis from Two Birds is right up there with all time faves. And you know what, Damian, our head brewer. He’s bloody talented and super cool.

Image: Triebels Photography