Recipe: Take it Sloe

There’s no better time to sup a delicious glass of mulled liquor than in winter, and our friends from The Spirits Workshop have put their expert spin on the winter warmer by throwing their sublime Curiosity Gin Pinot Barrel Sloe into the mix.


1 litre apple juice
100ml lemon juice
1 sliced orange
1 satchet Curiosity Gin botanicals
Curiosity Gin Pinot Barrel Slow


1. Heat the juice, orange and gin botanicals together in a large pot until simmering.
2. Turn down the heat and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.
3. Put about 150ml of the hot mulled juice in a heatproof glass or mug.
4. Add 30ml of Curiosity Sloe Gin and garnish with a slice of the orange out of the pot.

Makes about 7 cups of winter warmth for the soul!

Recipe: Take it Sloe