Getting Smart

The wave of smart devices has reached the garden. Canopy Landscape Architects’ Julie Greenslade and Paul Roper-Gee look at the benefits.

Landscapes are going increasingly high-tech, with a range of smart gadgets and digital solutions available to enhance your outdoor environment. As we think about the holidays ahead, here are some ideas for your summer garden, whether you are staying at home or heading away.

Smart sprinklers can replace traditional irrigation controllers. They use internet-based weather forecasting to create real-time watering schedules for your garden. These will make the most of the water being used by only turning on when needed, thus reducing wastage. They can be set to run on autopilot or controlled remotely through smartphone apps so you can keep an eye on things while away. The trickery can be taken even further by combining with plant sensors that monitor the soil and air conditions in specific areas of your garden and send data to the cloud, where it can be viewed from any smart digital device.

Smart lights are the next big thing in exterior lighting, adding both drama and practicality to
your garden spaces. The Phillips Hue system is a clever and very cost-effective smart lighting system that lets you manage
colour changing, dimming and switching from your smartphone at any time and from any place. Automatic routines can also be easily programmed for turning lights on and off.

Combined with wireless sensor technology, garden lighting can double as security lighting by pairing it with movement sensors. The Hue system can also be used to control water-feature pumps and other garden electrical elements.

At Canopy, we regularly work with Ian Harrop at Modular Lighting & Partners to develop lighting solutions for residential and commercial projects. Modular Lighting can provide Hue Connect, the essential component needed to make the Phillips Hue system work, together with a broad range of other exterior light fittings. The options are endless!


Getting Smart