Downstairs wine 'pub' set to open in New Regent street

New Regent Street bistro Twenty Seven Steps has a new downstairs companion – named Downstairs – opening this winter.

The great minds behind the classic upstairs restaurant are bringing things down to earth with a new bar set to delight the wine-loving palate with small plates and fantastic drinks.

The cuisine sits somewhere between an entrée and a main course, an evolving, weekly menu focusing on locally sourced produce with an emphasis on vegetarian and fish. It’s rocking a relaxed atmosphere, vintage amber glass lights, dark walls, and welcoming service. It’s a wine-focused ‘pub’ with a huge range of local and international glass pours; your local, but in town.

Downstairs adds to the fine New Regent Street tradition of speciality bars, puitting wine in the mix among The Last Word whisky bar, Casa Publica rum bar, and gin gin.

Downstairs wine 'pub' set to open in New Regent street